Monday, July 6, 2009

Movin' and shakin'

So last week Jonas began to crawl!! he kinda does a crab walking butt scoot thing but he is now mobile. He has also started a nap schedule (thank god) and it seems to be working out well. Last week we had a scare, he was playing with his stacking cups and fell and i guess one of the cups hit his mouth. He was screaming so i picked him up and was holding him then I realized there was blood all over my shirt.. he was bleeding from the mouth, very scary. But the day after he seemed to be just fine.

I decided to take a break from my diet, the break lasted 2 weeks. But as of today I am back on it and already missing the carbs *sigh*.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Flu? Cold? Teething? Demonic Possesion?

So much for a nice 3 day weekend. Saturday the kiddo was so sick and teething. I am still unsure if he had a mild cold and teething or if it was a teething cold. Well after about 24 hours he started feeling better... but then i started to get sick.. so here is sit with a very leaky head i feel miserable. I had a puppet playdate i was "hosting" that i had to cancel, i don't think anyone would appreciate my snotty nose on their kids and toys. One crappy thing about being a mom is you get no sick days. Your sick day is exactly the same as any other day! Your kid doesn't care if you are on your death bed, he still needs food, attention, diaper changes.. it's damn hard. I just feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping... *sigh*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Was that a semi in my hallway?

Good lord all mighty what a storm last night! our little neighborhood got hit by several microbursts. Trees were broken, patio furniture was exchanged, and my poor tomato plants are not happy :( I was woken up around 9pm to what sounded like a semi truck in my house. I look outside and all the trees were bent in a 90 degree angle, niiccceee... then the power goes out and my dog looses his shit (not literally) and gets freaked out. So i called APS and they had the power back on around 11pm, not too bad. During the mini tornadoes Jonas didn't wake once, even after the dog barking for 10 minutes straight, the massive winds, and the warm temps.... i wish i could of slept through it :( So the past few hours i have been outside trying to fix my tomato plants and other various plants and flower, i think they will survive, atleast i hope they do.

So a few weeks ago we got DirecTV and disconnected our cox *giggles*. Well I had to go return the old cable boxes to cox and i put it off for 2 weeks, FINALY I went yesterday and waited in the dang office for almost an hour... just to return the stinkin boxes! It slipped my mind that ASU is over and all the college kids are moving out... so they were all there doing the same. Luckily Jonas was good and just stared at them. But that killed my plans for all my other errands yesterday so I need to do them today. But hey! atleast it's only going to be 101 today!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

8 months old!?

What!? where has the time gone? It seems like last week we brought him home... the sleepless nights of waking up at every one of his breaths or grunts... changing the TINY diapers... Feeding him every 2 hours... Now he is eating solid foods, finger foods, saying words, and damn near crawling. It's crazy how much he has developed over these 8 months... and how fast time flies... *sigh* I know there is so much more to look forward to, but i feel like it has just gone by too fast..

Friday, May 8, 2009

Week from H-E-double hockey sticks

g'damn! between the hot water heater incident, the electrician, the 2 major play dates i organized and provided supplies for, all the prep work that went into the play dates, aaron's jeep dieing, us getting a dog, direct tv instalation taking 4 hours, realizing my new dog is depressed....AAGGHHHH!! I am so done, i can't wait for tomorrow... my eyes burn and I am tired.
to the people who think being a stay at home mom isn't a job.... you need to be drug out into the street and beat with a lead pipe....

that is all

This message brought to you by: Puppets, hot dogs, and broken hippos

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Welcome Home Sir Francis Bacon

We have a dog!! And he is so mellow and perfect! I got him from a lady who had 3 dogs, all HUGE and he wasn't doing too well with big dogs, they would pick on him and he would do nothing. So we now have him and he did so good his first night. I was expecting whining and urinating all over my house, but no! He slept on a blanket, no accidents.... very happy :) He seems to have adapted well and for that I am greatful. On another note Aaron's jeep decided not to start yesterday, I guess his battery is dead, so i had to take him to work yesterday and i have to drive him to and from work today. Well hopefully he can get a battery and that is really the problem. Now i have to miss a bday party for one of the kids in my mom's group :( oh well... i will leave you with a picture of sir francis bacon...


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Search for a dog

So for the past 6 months we have been wanting to get a dog. We will try craigslist and the local rescues only to be lead on a wild goose chase of people changing their mind, not telling the truth, or being just plain dumb. Well tonight I have a potential canine candidate coming over for an interview. He is a terrier mix who is good with cats and kids, so we will see what happens! sad to say I have learned not to get my hopes up, but I feel the right dog will find us when the time is right... I am not going to push this.